Abhishek Jain (born 12 September, 1995) is one of theyoungest social workers from India who has alwaysbelieved in helping people.

Abhishek Jain grew up in a household where helpingothers and caring was always preached. His grandfather,Late Shri Chaman Lal Jain set an example for thosearound him and inspired them to help one another inmidst of hardships. He would pay special attention toeducation and the idea of an educated and smart India.Having witnessed all this from a very young age, Abhishekoften used to ponder about how he could make adifference when he grew older.

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The man working towards building momentous change

The inspiration to serve people became Abhishek Jain’s passion and hence drove him towards creating Abhishek Janshakti, a non profit organisation. Abhishek believes that giving is the act of grace. Abhishek has decided to dedicate his life towards thebetterment of people by determining proper courses of action for different issues. He is a natural and persuasive communicatorinspiring people to work towards achieving a proper goal.



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