Abhishek Jain

Let's Make Country Great Again

The Change We Bring

Noise Free Delhi

Speakers, firecrackers, horns at traffic lights are all factors that contribute to Noise Pollution. The unnecessary sounds scare animals and birds, and cause distress to old people also. Abhishek Jain is actively working towards reducing noise pollution and working towards making the national capital noise free.

Free Wifi

Abhishek encourages smart education and learning beyond classroom walls. Now that technology and innovation have taken over the world, Abhishek has made the best use of it by digitally revolutionizing the Vasant Vihar area of New Delhi. The area has seen two new Wifi camps- Nepali Camp and BhanvarSingh Camp. BhanvarSingh Camp is the biggest one in Vasant Vihar. These camps serve as Wifi hotspots and fulfill the aim of making education affordable and easy for the children of Vasant Vihar.

Free Ambulance

During medical emergencies, every second counts. Thousands of people have lost their lives because of the unavailability of ambulance services during a medical emergency. Realizing this, Abhishek Jain is starting a free ambulance service for the people of Vasant Vihar and will soon expand to the entire Delhi. He believes if there is even a small part he can play in saving a person’s life, he should do it.

Child Education

Education gives us an understanding of the world around us and offers us an opportunity to use that knowledge wisely. A child’s early education lays the foundation of future development, providing a strong base for lifelong learning and learning abilities, including cognitive and social development. Abhishek Jain has always taken initiatives to help people understand the importance of sending their children to schools. He encourages education, especially for girls.

Women Empowerment

It is rightly said that women are a hidden reservoir of talent. Abhishek has always worked for the upliftment of women, standing up for their rights and promoting equality. Empowering women & girls is the key to social transformation. Abhishek has employed many women and has constantly taken steps to ensure that gender doesn't affect growth.

Child Labour Rescue

It was seen in many areas that children between the age group of 5-15 were forced to work and leave their studies. Abhishek Jain, being a strong headed, intellectual person decided to stop this. He spoke to the children and found out that the majority of them were working against their will. He started the plan to rescue these children and is still actively working towards sponsoring their education and rescue them from these homes.


Abhishek Jain has provided employment opportunities to hundreds of people, mostly women who were deprived of their basic right to earn. He set up camps for children where the teachers were employed by him. This provides livelihood to so many people and benefits children also. Since the advent of the pandemic, so many people lost their jobs but Abhishek made sure that the people he employed continued to work. This initiative helped children to cope up with the losses they faced.

Menstrual Health

India is a country where only 58 % of menstruating women have been exposed to safe and hygienic methods of menstrual protection. The other half of the population have a different choice of menstrual products varying according to factors including area of residence, lifestyle, income group, etc. Abhishek’s team has taken various initiatives to ensure proper menutral sanitisation and hygiene for girls and women living in far flung areas. Distribution of free sanitary pads, talks about menstrual health and awareness about the same has helped thousands of women.


Abhishek Jain has been actively involved in sanitisation drives and supports Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Abhishek has started access to clean water, improved sanitation facilities, hand washing, water safety plan etc to ensure that people maintain the basic sanitation rules. Since the advent of the pandemic, his team has paid special attention to sanitation to control the spread of the virus.

Old Age Care

This fast life has seen children forgetting the sacrifices made by their parents. Abhishek realized that there were so many people who had nowhere to go because their children kicked them out. Since then he has actively donated towards old age homes and is hoping to start his very own initiative soon.

Help Centres

In the Vasant Vihar area of New Delhi, Abhishek has set up centres where people can come with their problems. He tries his best to address them and provide possible solutions. The basic problems seen were education, poverty and hygiene- for all of which he has taken active steps.

Working towards momentous change- hoping for grace and celebration! 

Apka Abhishek